Believers Voice of Victory Video Broadcast for Wednesday 05/31/2017
Watch Kenneth Copeland on the Believer’s Voice of Victory broadcast share how to get the Love of God so firmly fixed in your heart, that you will fully trust and act on that Love – no matter what comes your way.
Believers Voice of Victory Video Broadcast for Tuesday 05/30/2017
Watch Kenneth Copeland on the Believer’s Voice of Victory broadcast share how God created His commandments from a place of love to protect you. When you follow God’s Word, He will manifest Himself to you, and blessings will overtake you!
Believers Voice of Victory Video Broadcast for Monday 05/29/2017
Watch Kenneth Copeland on the Believer’s Voice of Victory broadcast share about the unmatched Love of God that lives in you! Learn how to grow in the fruit of love, so you will radiate His presence to those around you.
Believers Voice of Victory Video Broadcast for Friday 05/26/2017
If you walk in integrity, prepare for promotion! Watch Gloria Copeland and Pastor George Pearsons on Believer’s Voice of Victory explain how the walk of integrity is a prerequisite for promotion.
Believers Voice of Victory Video Broadcast for Thursday 05/25/2017
Watch Gloria Copeland and Pastor George Pearsons on Believer’s Voice of Victory describe the Bible characteristics of a faithful person and how they lead to promotion every time. Become faithful and prepare for promotion!
Believers Voice of Victory Video Broadcast for Wednesday 05/24/2017
Diligence isn’t a sacrifice—it’s your key to promotion! Watch Gloria Copeland and Pastor George Pearsons on Believer’s Voice of Victory outline the profile of a diligent person and how diligence is the door to THE BLESSING.
Believers Voice of Victory Video Broadcast for Tuesday 05/23/2017
Pride is the great blocker of God’s promotion. Watch Gloria Copeland and Pastor George Pearsons on Believer’s Voice of Victory explain how a humble heart opens the door to a promotion that will surpass your greatest expectations!
Believers Voice of Victory Video Broadcast for Monday 05/22/2017
Do you have the attitude of a servant? Watch Gloria Copeland and Pastor George Pearsons on Believer’s Voice of Victory as they share how your attitude toward serving God and others greatly impacts your eligibility for promotion.
Believers Voice of Victory Video Broadcast for Friday 05/19/2017
When you seek the kingdom of God first, your promotion is right around the corner! Watch Gloria Copeland and Pastor George Pearsons on Believer’s Voice of Victory explain how promotion is a result of character that is pleasing to God.
Believers Voice of Victory Video Broadcast for Thursday 05/18/2017
You don’t have to chase promotion! Watch Gloria Copeland and Pastor George Pearsons on Believer’s Voice of Victory explain how promotion will find you when you are pursuing God.
Believers Voice of Victory Video Broadcast for Wednesday 05/17/2017
When God is the source of your advancement, the possibilities are endless! Watch Gloria Copeland and Pastor George Pearsons on Believer’s Voice of Victory explain how to step aside and let God promote you in every area of your life.
Believers Voice of Victory Video Broadcast for Tuesday 05/16/2017
Watch Gloria Copeland and Pastor George Pearsons on Believer’s Voice of Victory explain how good stewardship brings promotion and prosperity from God. Learn to be faithful in small things and become ruler over many things!
Believers Voice of Victory Video Broadcast for Monday 05/15/2017
Do you want to experience overwhelming success in your life? Watch Gloria Copeland and Pastor George Pearsons on Believer’s Voice of Victory as they share how it is the will of God for you to continually advance in life.
Believers Voice of Victory Video Broadcast for Friday 05/12/2017
Break down barriers blocking your blessings! Watch Kenneth Copeland on Believer’s Voice of Victory explain you can receive everything you need in life by releasing your faith and activating the anointing power of God.
Believers Voice of Victory Video Broadcast for Thursday 05/11/2017
The WORD of God is alive and powerful! Watch Kenneth Copeland on Believer’s Voice of Victory explain how putting your faith in the truth of God’s WORD will always bring His power on the scene of your life. Believe it, speak it and watch things change!
Believers Voice of Victory Video Broadcast for Wednesday 05/10/2017
Common sense is needed for the physical realm, but faith is needed for the spiritual realm! Watch Kenneth Copeland on Believer’s Voice of Victory explain how to activate the anointing power of God by operating in the supernatural realm of faith.
Believers Voice of Victory Video Broadcast for Tuesday 05/09/2017
Learn how to activate your faith for miracles! Watch Kenneth Copeland on Believer’s Voice of Victory explain how to put your faith to work. Learn this spiritual law, and expect the anointing power of God to show up in your life!
Believers Voice of Victory Video Broadcast for Monday 05/08/2017
Do you want to see the power of God at work in your life? Watch Kenneth Copeland on Believer’s Voice of Victory as he shares how to activate the anointing power of God by activating your faith.
Believers Voice of Victory Video Broadcast for Friday 05/05/2017
God has a healing process! Watch Kenneth Copeland on Believer’s Voice of Victory share examples of the process Jesus used in the Bible to heal people. It worked then, and it still works today!
Believers Voice of Victory Video Broadcast for Thursday 05/04/2017
Healing belongs to you! Watch Kenneth Copeland on Believer’s Voice of Victory describe how you have the same spiritual DNA as Jesus, and how to feed on the Word of God to live a long life.
Believers Voice of Victory Video Broadcast for Wednesday 05/03/2017
Learn to speak the promises of God! Watch Kenneth Copeland on Believer’s Voice of Victory explain how to use Psalms 23 and 91 to declare and receive your divine healing and protection.
Believers Voice of Victory Video Broadcast for Tuesday 05/02/2017
Jesus paid the price for you to live healed! Watch Kenneth Copeland on Believer’s Voice of Victory explain how it’s the will of God for every person to live free from sin, sickness, disease and poverty.
Believers Voice of Victory Video Broadcast for Monday 05/01/2017
Watch Kellie Copeland on Believer’s Voice of Victory as she shares how we are vessels made of clay that contain a precious treasure —the very light and life of God. Let your light shine!