Believers Voice of Victory Video Broadcast for Monday 03/06/2020
Are you accepting the world’s expectations for wellness and aging? Watch Believer’s Voice of Victory as Kenneth Copeland teaches you why your covenant promises you a long, strong life. Learn how to boldly take a healthy and strong body by faith, and expect a fulfilled life!
Believers Voice of Victory Video Broadcast for Thursday 03/05/2020
The struggle is over! Watch Believer’s Voice of Victory as Kenneth Copeland explains why understanding God’s covenant with you makes receiving healing and financial victory easy. The remedy to your struggles is simple—have faith in your covenant with God!
Believers Voice of Victory Video Broadcast for Wednesday 03/04/2020
Join Kenneth Copeland on Believer’s Voice of Victory as he explains why covenants involve name changes. Just as you take your father’s name at birth or a woman takes her husband’s name, your covenant with God involves a name change, too. Watch and discover your New Covenant name!
Believers Voice of Victory Video Broadcast for Tuesday 03/03/2020
If someone asked you, “Who is God?” what would be your answer? Watch Kenneth Copeland on Believer’s Voice of Victory as he teaches why El Shaddai is our covenant-keeping God. Learn why you can count on every one of His promises in your life—not only because He is good, but because it’s all in the covenant!
Believers Voice of Victory Video Broadcast for Monday 03/02/2020
God never goes back on His WORD! Watch Kenneth Copeland on Believer’s Voice of Victory as he shows you why everything God has promised is included in an unbreakable covenant. Find out when the first human covenant took place and why you should get excited about being part of the New Covenant today.
Believers Voice of Victory Video Broadcast for Friday 02/28/2020
There’s no limit to the miracles that will happen in your life if you just choose to believe God! Watch Believer’s Voice of Victory as Kenneth Copeland teaches you why you must be unwavering in your belief that God is a covenant-keeping God. That’s faith, and faith doesn’t settle for anything but the promise!
Believers Voice of Victory Video Broadcast for Thursday 02/27/2020
Watch Believer’s Voice of Victory as Kenneth Copeland teaches you why your everlasting covenant relationship with God will protect you and promote you. As long as you’re following what you can see, hear, smell and taste, you’ll be outside the covenant. In the covenant you’ll find everything you need.
Believers Voice of Victory Video Broadcast for Wednesday 02/26/2020
The covenant defeats every attack of the devil! Join Kenneth Copeland on Believer’s Voice of Victory as he explains why being covenant-minded is what will keep you free from sickness, disease, sin, death and poverty. Your mindset is critical to your success!
Believers Voice of Victory Video Broadcast for Tuesday 02/25/2020
Watch Kenneth Copeland on Believer’s Voice of Victory as he teaches you where in the Bible you can see and read for yourself that it’s covenant day—the day the original love-based, love-thought-of, love-organized plan was set in motion. It’s your everlasting covenant with God, and it’s still in place for you!
Believers Voice of Victory Video Broadcast for Monday 02/24/2020
Join Kenneth Copeland on Believer’s Voice of Victory as he explains how being a stranger to the covenant of promise will keep you from receiving everything God has for you. When you learn the power of covenant relationship, nothing will be impossible for you!
Believers Voice of Victory Video Broadcast for Friday 02/21/2020
One of the keys to receiving your covenant promises is listening! Watch Believer’s Voice of Victory as Kenneth Copeland teaches you how God already knows what He is going to do for you; are you hearing Him speak? Discover how to receive your promises by listening to Him. When you develop a listening heart, you’ll hear the secret to your breakthrough!
Believers Voice of Victory Video Broadcast for Thursday 02/20/2020
If you believe God is still thinking about whether or not to bless you, it’s time to get a revelation of the keys to receiving your covenant promises. Watch Believer’s Voice of Victory as Kenneth Copeland explains how to receive your promises by the blood of Jesus. There’s no going back on a blood-backed covenant!
Believers Voice of Victory Video Broadcast for Wednesday 02/19/2020
Just simple belief in God’s covenant promises won’t cause you to access them. Join Kenneth Copeland on Believer’s Voice of Victory as he explains another key to receiving your covenant promises. Find out how to become fully persuaded to receive your promises, and decide once and for all that what God said is what He will do!
Believers Voice of Victory Video Broadcast for Tuesday 02/18/2020
If you’re obeying God but not seeing results, you may be missing one of the keys to receiving your covenant promises. Watch Kenneth Copeland on Believer’s Voice of Victory as he shares why an obedient heart is not the same as a willing heart. Find out how to receive your promises by having a willing heart. Get ready for your breakthrough!
Believers Voice of Victory Video Broadcast for Monday 02/17/2020
When you’ve stretched your faith as far as you can go, there is another gear you can shift into. Join Kenneth Copeland on Believer’s Voice of Victory, as he shares one of the keys to receiving your covenant promises and what Jesus wants to do in your life. Learn how to step into the power realm to receive your promises and everything Jesus has for you!
Believers Voice of Victory Video Broadcast for Friday 02/14/2020
Are you all talk? Watch Believer’s Voice of Victory as Kenneth Copeland teaches you why faith isn’t just speaking the right words—it comes with corresponding action. If you’re believing God’s covenant for something, it’s time to step out in faith and away from the contradiction. Faith says, then does!
Believers Voice of Victory Video Broadcast for Thursday 02/13/2020
Watch Believer’s Voice of Victory as Kenneth Copeland teaches you how to live in the covenant by calling things that be not as though they are in your life. Learn why the indisputable key to faith is calling yourself well while you’re still sick, or calling yourself debt-free before the debt is gone. What do you call yourself?
Believers Voice of Victory Video Broadcast for Wednesday 02/12/2020
You can’t call the cat and get the dog! Join Kenneth Copeland on Believer’s Voice of Victory as he explains why if you call things the way they are, they’ll stay the way they are. To get what you want, you have to speak what you want to come to pass—in line with God’s covenant with you—before you see it!
Believers Voice of Victory Video Broadcast for Tuesday 02/11/2020
What are you believing? Watch Kenneth Copeland on Believer’s Voice of Victory as he teaches you why you are a believing being, created to believe. But you have to choose to believe the covenant, not the contradiction, which is any natural evidence against your promise. Always choose God!
Believers Voice of Victory Video Broadcast for Monday 02/10/2020
Don’t call out the contradiction—declare the covenant! Join Kenneth Copeland on Believer’s Voice of Victory as he teaches you why the key to heaven’s treasure house is faith that calls things that be not as though they are. Faith calls it like it isn’t!